How To Start Your Online Business
The first thing you need to do is get back to reality. The internet is a great way to make money, but it's simply another method or tool, and not some magic millionaire formula. Which means that to build an internet (online) business, you need to follow the same step by step process as you would in building any other business.
Obviously the first step has to be the selection of the right Business Opportunity. There are hundreds of MLM companies, but most are still using old outdated marketing methods, so you should select a company that is set up to be built mostly online.
The world is changing, carburetors of cars have been replaced by fuel injection, vinyl music records have been replaced by DVD’s, newspapers are being replaced by online news, and MLM company meetings are replaced by social networks, and online marketing.
Tip #01 – Pick a good Business Name. Keep it simple, start your business as a sole proprietorship, once it gets to making big dollars, convert it to an LLC or a Sub-Chapter S corporation. As an online Business, your Business Name will probably be your Domain name. Pick a name that could reflect what you are doing, but it’s not necessary, just keep it as short as possible.
Tip # 02– Set up your Business Domain. For an affordable and good solution, you can research for an available domain name by going to Your domain name should be as short as possible, (people will tend to misspell long names). You should also try to use either (.com or .net) for your domain. If possible you should try to set up 3-5 different domain names, so that you can use them later for different marketing programs. Keep in mind, that once your Domain is set up, you have the option of having it hosted for your web site, or have it re-directed to another web site.
Tip #03 – Set up your e-mail. You can always set up your e-mail with your domain at (, however you may want to set up your emails with Google (gmail). It is recommended that you set up one or several Google (gmail) accounts. Once you start getting active with your business, and start various marketing programs, you will need to use multiple e-mail accounts.
Tip #04 – Set up a Blog. The best way to communicate with people online is to have a Blog, that lets you express yourself and share information with others. You can set up a Blog for free, and drive as many people to it as possible. Post comments or write articles, and post them on your Blog. You can even have the latest news displayed on your Blog, all for free. To set up a blog, go to Google (, pick a Blog template, and set up your Blog
Tip #05 Important after setting up your Blog and website is "TRAFFIC" For Traffic goes to the specialist email: and ask for the traffic list. Like me you´llbe given a full specimen of traffic to choose from and where in the world to get it from: all the demographics you need, with Top Class service and Quality; of course the more you pay the better the Quality for Hits to your sites and more sales and visitors. The Best always use their emails, their service is better. it´s the name of the game.
Tip #06 – Marketing Squeeze Page. When you get a prospect to respond to your marketing efforts, you want the prospect to come to a web page, which will capture their Name, E-mail, or Telephone number. This will now give you the opportunity to follow up with the prospect, and convert them into a sale. This type of page is referred to as a Squeeze page. Most MLM companies now have their own or use some third party service, and provide free squeeze pages for their distributors. Be careful, because virtually all squeeze pages by MLM companies, are actually driving prospects away.
A good squeeze page CLICK HERE:
Follow the above tips for a basic start of your online business. To find out what you should do next, look at the Marketing Articles and Tips, more available once you become a PLATINUM MEMBER: of **Team Thierry Xplocial Worldwide*** CLICK HERE:
You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is: CLICK HERE:
If I can be of any additional help, please e-mail me…
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