Getting Ready For Advertising
Getting Ready For Advertising
Now that you are familiar with your Business, it’s time to start your marketing. Depending upon your budget and business goals, you will probably use both free and paid marketing programs. Whatever program you use, it will involve some form of advertising. Before you start spending a bunch of money, let’s take a few minutes and review some advertising basics.
Spelling of words – Most likely many of your advertising will be delivered via e-mail over the internet. This means that your e-mail content will be subject to Spam Filters. To reduce being filtered out, you will have to spell specific words that are used often, a little differently. I cannot give you all the possible words, but here are some samples, and you can take it from there. Money = M. oney, Millionaire = M. millionaire, Free = F. ree, Huge = H. age. These are just some examples to give you an idea. Also you should make sure to use simple and short words in your advertisement. Just because you might be a member of Mensa, does not mean others are.
Repetition – Before you make the mistake, and spend a lot of money on a single ad or marketing program, it is critical that you understand any and all advertising, in any industry, is based upon the principle of repetition. One of the biggest mistakes new distributors make is to invest in a big beautiful ad, with the idea that it will certainly get a lot of business. This notion is absolutely wrong, and has resulted in millions of small business failures.Human purchasing process takes place through the process of repetitious exposure. You may say, well I made a decision to purchase something in life on an impulse. It may seem that way, but most likely you had been exposed to, and been thinking about making that purchase in the back of your mind for quite some time.
Market research has shown that a purchasing decision is usually made after about 5 to 7 exposures to the product or service. So repetition is the secret to success. Do not fall for the one time big advertisement. Use your budget to advertise as often as possible, with small ads, in a variety of different media. The longer your ads run, the better your conversion ratio will be.
Curiosity is the driving force – Most new MLM distributors, want to take any advertisement, and tell everything about their product/service in their ad, a huge mistake. How can you expect to share everything about your business and your opportunity in a matter of 5 seconds or less. Because like it or not, that’s about the length of your prospects attention span when they see your ad.The primary purpose of any advertisement is to initiate a step by step process, which will result in a sale. This means your ad should evoke a curiosity within your prospect to try to find out more. Curiosity is the absolute key to any advertisement, and driving the prospect to you, so that you can expose the prospect to more information.
The shorter the better – Make your advertisement as short as possible. I always get amused by getting solicitation e-mails, and the sender is telling me a long drawn out story, with all kinds of examples, facts, and in most cases everything thrown in, including the kitchen sink. I don’t have time to read all that stuff, and nobody else does either. If I can’t get curious in a couple of seconds, I will push the delete button.Think about it, what would get your attention in a couple of seconds, and chances are most people are like you. So write your ad accordingly.
You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is Us taking you by the Hand with You are making a GREAT decision for Your Future & Your Next Generations Future.If I can be of any additional help, please e-mail me…
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