MLM Network Marketing – Should I Get Involved?
Reasons to Join MLM Network Marketing.
There are many reasons why people look at joining a Network Marketing Opportunity, some are initially attracted by the products or services, some get involved because their friend or relative is already involved, some are bored & have a lot of time on their hands, some see it as a way of simply paying their bills in these hard economic times, whilst some see the big picture immediately & see it as a way of quitting their job & being financially independent.
Attractive Products & Services.
Have you recently come across an attractive product or service that you enjoy using? Are you seeing many benefits from using this product or service that you think others would benefit from? This is essentially how Network marketing or MLM works, people are introduced to a product or service by a “distributor” ( or agent or partner – MLM companies have different names for people distributing their products or services ) these people benefit from using the product or service & are therefore happy to recommend the MLM company to people they know.
Word of mouth is a great way to have your companies wares promoted, after all whenever we are thinking of trying something new the first thing we will think of is, to ask our friends, relatives or work colleagues if they have heard of the company behind the service or even a particular product. If we get a good review from those we ask, or a recommendation, then we are more likely to use that product or service over any other. A good distributor will tell customers that if they like their companies wares & are happy to recommend them, then why not join the company & get paid for those recommendations. Indeed in MLM Network Marketing many distributors join the company after experiencing the companies products & services first.
My Sister Insists I join her MLM Opportunity.
Is a relative, friend, or work colleague trying to persuade you to join them in their MLM company? They may seem so enthusiastic that they seem brain washed! Many people who first join Network marketing are new to the concept & quite simply get carried away by their enthusiasm & excitement so much so that people around them think they have gone barking mad! I understand how this can happen, it happened to me! It is very easy to get carried away when starting a MLM business, the possibilities seem endless & it is all very exciting. For some this excitement never ends & they will become very succesful, for others it is hard work but still enjoyable.
It is however a sad fact that many people will join a MLM company & simply not do anything. Don’t be put off by your apparently mad relative, friend, colleague, just keep an open mind & listen to what they have to say, go along to a company presentation & hear from other people about their experiences in MLM & then make an informed decision as to whether it is for you or not.
Bored with Lots of Time.
Are you a housewife/husband who spends a lot of time home alone & are simply bored? Are you looking for something to do with all your spare time? Network Marketing is fun, you will meet a lot of really enthusiastic happy people who quite clearly enjoy what they do. Given time you will also make some money whilst having fun. MLM is all about meeting people, simply sharing the benefits of the companies products & services. It is not, & should never be, about trying to sell something that nobody needs or wants. If you are bored & would like to get out and about meeting people, drinking tea or coffee, chatting, then MLM could be just what you are looking for.
MLM to Pay your Bills.
Are you looking for some extra cash to help you pay your bills? MLM Network Marketing is NOT a get rich quick scheme, so if you are looking to make a lot of money in a short space of time then you should look elsewhere. However if you need a few hundred pounds a month to help with the mortgage, utility bills, kids tuition fees etc etc then maybe you should look at getting involved. The biggest mistake people make when joining a MLM Opportunity is not treating it like a business, it is not a hobby or “part time thing” it is a serious business & should be given the respect it deserves. Network Marketing is a $Billion industry, one of the fast growing methods of conducting business in the world.
By simply working a few hours a week on a consistent basis you will make money, how much? Well that’s entirely down to how much time you are prepared to put in & how enthusiastic you are. You do not need to be a great sales person, as long as you pick the right MLM company to get involved with & enjoy what you are doing your enthusiasm will come across in your dealings with potential customers & you will do well.
MLM the Big Picture.
If when you look at a MLM Opportunity you immediately see the “big picture” then I guess you will not even be reading this article, you will have joined & be well on your way to achieving your goals in life. Some people, when they see an opportunity, dismiss all the small details presented to them & look beyond the nitty-gritty & see exactly where this opportunity could take them. These type of people are certainly in the minority so you should not feel at ease if you are not like this. I am definitely not like this, when I was first presented with a Network Marketing Opportunity I was very skeptical, even though I knew a lot about the concept having been involved with another company some years ago. I took a long time to make up my mind, I did a lot of research & asked a lot of questions.I now see the big picture but I also understand all the small details too, I don’t see anything wrong in this approach too.
MLM Network Marketing Summary.
So will you get involved? I hope I have given you some food for thought. Like I have tried to explain above there are many ways why you might want to join a MLM company however there are some fundamentals that apply to all scenarios;
Make sure that the company has great products or services, ones that you use yourself & have no problems recommending.
Study the companies compensation plan to see how you will be paid.
Check out the companies profile, are they listed on the stock exchange? how long have they been in business? what are the credentials of the owners/directors?
Could you work with your upline? ( the person that introduced you to the business ) & their upline?
What is the companies training policy?
These are just a few things you should be aware of, however whatever you decide just do one thing, make an informed decision ie check out all the facts with an open mind before you say yes or no.
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Wishing You Supreme Victory
**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
"Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance For Next Generations"
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You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is
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**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance for Next Generations
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