MLM or Network Marketing – What’s it all about?
MLM, or Network Marketing as its also known, is a form of business or service distribution whereby promotion is done mainly through word of mouth by distributors or reps. These distributors or reps work on a self employed basis earning commission when they sell the MLM companies products or services. Whilst there are companies who use self employed people on commission only MLM companies are different in that the distributors or reps can build their own businesses by introducing new distributors or reps & receive payments from their sales as well as their own. The “Multi Level” term comes from the fact that reps can introduce, or recruit, other reps who can them go on to introduce their own reps, & so on & so on down to many or often infinite levels.
MLM Promotion
Of course not all MLM businesses will work exactly like this, for instance not everybody in the team will introduce 3 reps, some will introduce none or 1 or 2 some will introduce a lot more, but I think you get the picture now. The beauty of this system is that “you” at the top of the diagram carry on doing the same amount of hours work on a consistent basis, however the total actual hours going into your business is the sum of all of the people in the diagram! John Paul Getty a US Oil Billionaire was quoted as saying “I’d rather have one percent of the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent of my own efforts.” Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you have to join a MLM opportunity on the “ground floor” ie be 1st in to do well, “you” could be anywhere in that diagram with the same structure below you.
The above is a very simplified view of a MLM structure, some companies “compensation plan” ie how you get paid can be very complicated even for those who are actually involved in that particular company. There are many different MLM compensation plans; Stair step breakaway plans, uni-level plans, binary, forced matrix etc. I won’t go into all of these plans now, however if you want to know more just do a google search on each of them.
There are also many positions within a MLM compensation structure, usually they go along the lines of ; Reps/Distributors, Team Leader, Group Leader, Senior Leader, Senior Group Leader, Regional Group Leader, National Group Leader. For each level generally you will need a certain number of customers & a certain number of people at each level below you in the plan.
MLM Customers
Speaking of customers, I have hardly mentioned them yet. However no business can survive without customers & MLM businesses are the same. In order for anybody to grow their MLM business they must attract customers & everybody ( other reps ) must do the same. In order for this to happen the company must have an excellent product or service. This product or service has to be excellent because the only way that sales grow is by word of mouth, anything less than excellence & people simply will not give recommendations. In mainstream businesses customers are attracted by some form of advertising ie TV, Newspaper, Magazines, Leaflets, Flyer’s, Billboards etc etc with the big companies spending millions of pounds of year to promote their products or services.
In MLM companies there is generally no, or very little money spent on advertising, the promotion is done by distributors or reps using product demonstrations or home meetings with potential customers. These reps rely on referrals from customers to build their distribution chains, so having an inferior product or service will mean no referrals & hence eventually no customers.
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You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is
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