97% of All MLM Networkers are wasting their Time
There is nothing wrong with the concept, and should you want to use it, go ahead. However virtually all MLM companies offer their products and services on the internet, and some are on-line only. Virtually all potential Networkers (Distributors) are also all on the internet, and use the internet on a regular basis.
So you join a new MLM company. You are all excited about the product or service, and the sales presentation seems to imply, that there are millions of people who will become your Distributors. As a matter of fact, your prospects are all over the world, and it seems logical to assume that the internet will get you tremendous results.
You know nothing about the internet or marketing, so you start doing research on how to get to these potential prospects. You start hearing about new terms like WEB2 and how the best way to get business, is to have people come to you. You are lead to believe that with the internet, you need not be selling, just simply get people to come to you, and capture their business, by showering them with free information. This will make you look like a great guy, and will get you tons of business.
To get these prospects to come to you, you will need the very latest system or course, which can be found on the internet by the thousands. Most advertise you will be making immediate money, by using their product, and by sending thousands of other people like yourself to their system. They will pay you a commission, making you an affiliate.
As a matter of fact, you will be making more money, the more you use and promote their system or course. Since you may have limited marketing knowledge, and know little about how the internet really works, all these systems sound great, and certainly they all make a lot of sense.
You will start using Social Networks, Twitter, Safelists, Free Classifieds, Ezyne Ads, and a variety of other marketing methods. All these are good, but the problem is, that overnight you have gone from the focus and promotion of a single MLM company that you just joined, to promoting a variety of different systems and courses. You are now placing ads on how someone can get hundreds of leads, or you are spending all day making postings on a social network sites, with the hope that someone will just sign up with you, and you will never have to make a presentation.
The reality is, the people who are making the big dollars, are the people selling you these marketing systems and courses. You on the other hand are running fast, giving it your all, and not building your primary business. You will keep looking for new or better marketing systems or courses, in an endless pursuit of trying to find the magic formula for sponsoring thousands of people.
That’s why 97% of all people involved in MLM are wasting their time, and will never make the money they are looking for.
Any MLM is a distribution business. This means you need to sell the product or service to as many new Distributors as possible. Selling is the operative word. There is no substitute for selling, and no magic system, lead generating miracle, or secret course, will replace selling. There are no turn key systems and overnight marketing miracles. Any system will require lots of effort, consistent action, endless failures, and much repetitious marketing and selling.
Yes learn about internet marketing methods, but stop trying to be an affiliate for one or several other organizations. Focus on the MLM company that you joined. Use your knowledge and tools to advertise your MLM company. Focus on one thing and one thing only. Your time is the most important asset you have, use every minute to sell your products and services. If you want to focus on being an affiliate, then quit your MLM company, and become an affiliate marketer.
"What is the single biggest challenge with generating leads /Recruiting / Training you face today? leave comments: or contact me: chat2xtramoney@gmail.com
Because of all the above reasons, and over 20 years of business experience are why my primary opportunity is: http://xplocial.com/interview.php?id=MrBusiness4u
If I can be of any additional help, please e-mail me…chat2xtramoney@gmail.com
Wishing You Supreme Victory
**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
"Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance For Next Generations"
For additional information, please see other articles on this subject, and also check out the resources available on my videos:
You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is http://xplocial.com/interview.php?id=MrBusiness4u
Follow the above tips, and you will at least have a basic start to your marketing program. To find out what you should do next, look at the Marketing Articles, and Action Tips & Join Our Team ,
**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance for Next Generations
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