With hundreds of business opportunities to select from, it’s not easy to find one that makes you money the minute you sign up. Most will cost you a bunch to sign up, and most will also expect you to purchase a bunch of inventory, costing even more.
Many will expect you to be on some auto ship plan, costing you big dollars every month. Many will encourage you to sign up for online services, or third party training, all costing you even more each month.
Of course all new businesses require up front investment, but if you are short of money, it sure would be nice to come across one that will actually make you money from the start.
If you are wondering if that is possible, the answer is absolutely. The business I’m about to share with you will do just that. Without even getting into the sales potential end of the discussion, let’s just focus on some simple economic and accounting facts.
The numbers within this article are strictly for discussion purposes, and your results may be totally different. Any accounting or tax suggestions are also just for discussion purposes, and you should seek professional advice before you act upon these suggestions.
You may have several other expenses such as any advertising or supplies.
However we will only consider those expenses which you are now paying, being in business or not.
So let’s see what the real picture would look like:
You Spent out of Pocket 12x$40/mo. or $480 for the Year
Deductions from your Taxes Business membership............ $ 480
Cell Phone........................................ $1200
Internet services.................................. $ 720
Office Rent........................................ $ 3000
Office Utilities.................................... $ 960
Total Tax Deductions........................ $6360
If you are in a 25% TAX BRACKET ($6360x25%) You Save...$1590
Which means just for signing up, you have actually set in motion, to put an extra $1590 in your pocket at the end of the year.
You spent $480 and made $1590 or about a 300% return on your investment, in a recession proof business.
You can anticipate the tax savings, and bump up your dependents by one at your day job, (discuss with your accountant) and gain the additional money in your paycheck immediately. Obviously building the business will make you more money, but as you can see, with the right business you are actually making money the minute you sign up.
Because of all the above reasons, and over 20 years of business experience are why my primary opportunity is
If I can be of any additional help, please e-mail me…chat2xtramoney@gmail.com
Wishing you absolute success
**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
"Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance For Next Generations"
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