How To Pick The Right MLM Opportunity
Do not select your MLM company through your emotions. Most companies have great presentations, many leading you to believe that their product or service is life saving, and if not used, most likely you and all of society will suffer serious consequences. Because of this emotional believe, most people in Network Marketing become brainless sheep, following the gospel mantra of their MLM leadership.
It matters not if your product is the latest juice, chocolate, vitamin, berry, or whatever, you are in a distribution business. It’s not some religious crusade or magic cult, it’s a simple business of distributing as much of a product or service as possible.
One of the primary functions of MLM companies, is to recruit a new distributor, and set that distributor up with various different product levels, as a means of getting them into the organization. This can be very expensive, especially when you are placed on auto ship every month, just to stay in business. From a companies point of view, this is called guaranteed sales volume. From your point of view, this could be very expensive, especially if you are not making any money.
You should also accept reality. Most likely you have never been in your own business, and you have never done any sales or marketing. Yet you are lead to believe that you will make big dollars, by becoming an overnight sales and marketing expert. Sorry, but chances of that happening are slim to none. The fact is, in any MLM company, the top 3% of the Distributors make the big money, mainly because they are sales and marketing experts. The rest of the people are nothing more than distribution clerks or consumers.
So how can you pick the right MLM company?
Start by accepting the fact, that no matter what company you select, if you want to make money, you will have to focus on becoming a sales and marketing person.Even though most MLM companies want you to make a list, and contact your family, friends, or anyone you ever met, in today’s world, most activity will be done on the internet. So the company you select should have a strong internet set up, and should encourage you to build your business on the internet.
Your product or service should offer a long term opportunity. Most MLM companies start with some unique product, which is promoted as some life altering solution, yet theinitial hype soon dies, and the same product can be found under a different name, at half the cost, on retail shelf’s.
Your market should be as Global as possible. A Global distribution network, offers you a much greater prospect base, and much greater business opportunity.
The fee to get involved should be very low. Let’s face it, just like you, most people will want to start a home based business of their own, because they are either out of work, or desperately in need of some extra cash. Spending a bunch of money that you do not have in the first place, is not the best way to get started in business. Keep in mind, just because you are lead to believe that if you buy in at a higher price, get more inventory, have a bigger title, or more marketing tools, that you will be more successful. No you will not, remember success will be the result of your ability to become a sales and marketing expert, and not the sign up fee you pay.
Finally in today’s economic climate, your selection should be as recession proof as possible. Why get involved with a business, which to most people will be a luxury, or cost prohibitive. You may have lost your job because of the economy you do not need to fail in business because of it. Keep in mind, when things get very tight, people will drop most extras, and MLM products are usually expensive extras. People will hang on to entertainment, because it offsets the pain of economic trouble, but they will jettison most stuff.
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Because of all the above reasons, and over 20 years of business experience are why my primary opportunity is:
If I can be of any additional help, please e-mail me…
Wishing You Supreme Victory
**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
"Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance For Next Generations"
For additional information, please see other articles on this subject, and also check out the resources available on my videos: chat2xtramoney (you-tube) Thierry all gold (you-tube)
You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is
Follow the above tips, and you will at least have a basic start to your marketing program. To find out what you should do next, look at the Marketing Articles, and Action Tips & Join Our Team ,
**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance for Next Generations
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