Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance for Next Generations
Monday, 10 March 2014
Tips & Advice **Team Thierry** Secrets To Building Your Business Online
The Secret To Building Your Business Online
Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no magic secret to build any business online. A little bit of common sense, a little bit of education, and a lot effort will get you the quickest results.
The internet is full of secret formulas for sale, but the only people that get rich from these magic formulas, are the people selling them to you. There is no magic or mystery about the internet it’s simply another form of marketing.
That means you need to have a great product or service, sell, advertise, and market what you have, and spend money and time doing it.
If you open a retail store, or a service business down the street, it would take money and time, for you to build your business and make a profit. The internet is absolutely the same, and do not let anyone try to tell you otherwise.
People have the illusion, that because there are millions of people on the internet, you will have millions of people buying from you. Wrong, because there are also millions of people competing with you, and it takes a massive amount of marketing, effort, and money to contact all the millions of prospects.
Tip #01 – You can’t do it all. Do some research, and find some good internet sources. But be careful, because the amount of info on the internet is huge, and you can easily become a permanent student, always coming across something new, and never building your business. Settle on a few resources, and then take action. The tons of internet info will be there next week or month, you can’t master it all at once.
Tip #02 – Become very disciplined and consistent. Just think about it, if there is some magic formula, and all you have to do is just push a few buttons, why would anyone need you. So the first step is to set a long term mindset. Next you must decide, what’s the maximum time, you can spend on your business each day, or week, and make sure that no matter what happens, you spend that time. Do the same thing with your budget. Take small but consistent steps. The successful operative word is consistent.
Tip #03 – Do not fall for the MLM company hype. Most MLM companies, roll out the selected few top stars, and try to tell you, that just like them, you can build your business in a matter of a few days, weeks, or months. The truth is, very few if any of their distributors have done so. In most cases, those that claim fast success, are distributors with defunct or other MLM companies, who brought their distributor network with them. That’s how they became an overnight success with their current company. Remember your success will be long term, and that’s how you are going to make the big dollars.
Tip #04 – It’s a business not a Cult. Remember you are business to build the largest possible distribution network, for whatever product or service you are involved with. That’s how you will make the most money. So do not get distracted by running to every possible meeting or conference call. Most people involved with any MLM will end up participating in every meeting or call, and never really taking action with their business. Yes just like any real brick and mortar business, you will need to meet with others, and engage in conferences, but it should not be your only focus.
Tip #05 – If it’s Free, it usually has no value. If you get on the internet, chances are you can probably spend 24 hours a day, signing up for some free instant marketing offer. The problem is that virtually none of it works, and you’re just wasting your time. Any marketing takes time and effort, and this means it will cost something. Yes you can use some free options, but your best bet is to set up a marketing budget, find one or two ways to use it, and use it consistently. Avoid signing up for all kinds of free offers, because they will suck the life out of your time schedule.
For additional information, please see other articles on this subject, and also check out the resources available on my VIDEO: CLICK HERE:
You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base.
That’s why my primary opportunity is: CLICK HERE:
Tips & Advice **Team Thierry** The Minute You Sign Up You Made Money
With hundreds of business opportunities to select from, it’s not easy to find one that makes you money the minute you sign up. Most will cost you a bunch to sign up, and most will also expect you to purchase a bunch of inventory, costing even more.
Many will expect you to be on some auto ship plan, costing you big dollars every month. Many will encourage you to sign up for online services, or third party training, all costing you even more each month.
The fact is, if you add up all the actual cash coming out of your pocket in the first 12 months, versus the actual cash coming from the business, you will find your business to be quite an investment.
Of course all new businesses require up front investment, but if you are short of money, it sure would be nice to come across one that will actually make you money from the start.
If you are wondering if that is possible, the answer is absolutely. The business I’m about to share with you will do just that. Without even getting into the sales potential end of the discussion, let’s just focus on some simple economic and accounting facts.
The numbers within this article are strictly for discussion purposes, and your results may be totally different. Any accounting or tax suggestions are also just for discussion purposes, and you should seek professional advice before you act upon these suggestions.
Let’s assume you sign up with a business as a member for $40/mo. In return you would have a full business, full back office, lead tracking and auto responder, with multiple splash pages and sales pages to select from. So your only expense to be in this business is $480/yr.
You may have several other expenses such as any advertising or supplies.
However we will only consider those expenses which you are now paying, being in business or not.
So let’s see what the real picture would look like:
You Spent out of Pocket 12x$40/mo. or $480 for the Year
Deductions from your Taxes Business membership............ $ 480
Cell Phone........................................ $1200
Internet services.................................. $ 720
Office Rent........................................ $ 3000
Office Utilities.................................... $ 960
Total Tax Deductions........................ $6360
If you are in a 25% TAX BRACKET ($6360x25%) You Save...$1590
Which means just for signing up, you have actually set in motion, to put an extra $1590 in your pocket at the end of the year.
You spent $480 and made $1590 or about a 300% return on your investment, in a recession proof business.
You can anticipate the tax savings, and bump up your dependents by one at your day job, (discuss with your accountant) and gain the additional money in your paycheck immediately. Obviously building the business will make you more money, but as you can see, with the right business you are actually making money the minute you sign up.
You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base.
Because of all the above reasons, and over 20 years of business experience are why my primary opportunity is
If I can be of any additional help, please e-mail me…
Wishing you absolute success
**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
"Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance For Next Generations"
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Network Marketing Success Europe & Worldwide – 15 Indisputable
Secrets To MLM Success.
Make Money Fast!
Network marketing success is sweet irrespectively of whether you live in Europe, Asia, the U.S., the UK, Canada or any other country of the world.
Yes, MLM success is sweet!
Unfortunately, most network marketers have not been able to achieve mlm success despite their best efforts.
They have dreamed and dreamed of multi level marketing success year in and year out. They have built and bought castles in the sky. They have bought houses and driven expensive cars with the profit from their mlm business . . . but it only happened in their dreams.
These hard working network marketers see others in the same company building huge high performance teams and they wonder, "when will I be able to achieve that?"
They try and try but network marketing success keeps eluding them. They change companies again and again always looking out for the next big mlm opportunity in town and jump in. Still no mlm success.
If you're one of those folks still struggling with how to make your mlm business profitable . . . I have good news for you.
What is that?
The good news is this . . . I have a simple system that works. And I am willing to share it with you. (Video) CLICK HERE:
Listen good because this may be the single most important letter you will read online this year.
Why Have You Been Failing With Your Network Marketing Business?
Experts will tell you that "if you do not know the root cause of a problem, any solution you proffer will likely not work".
The same applies to network marketing business.
If you have been into network marketing business for awhile and you're not achieving your full potential or your business has failed outrightly, you first need to understand why you failed in order to appreciate what you need to achieve network marketing success.
So, why do over 60 percent of network marketers not achieve mlm success?
There are two key reasons.
First, the majority of people do NOT know how to sell. And network marketing is all about selling the products and the opportunity offered by the mlm company mlm marketers represent.
Second, most mlm marketers are bombarded with all kinds of strategies for promoting their mlm business. And most of these strategies are either old school or ineffective in helping the average guy grow his downline and empower his team to duplicate his performance.
Bottom line.
Poor selling skills PLUS poor recruiting skills PLUS poor duplication skills EQUALS network marketing failure.
MLM Success - A System That Actually Works!
Let me be frank with you . . . I understand how you feel.
I struggled with network marketing myself for awhile and actually abandoned multi level marketing business altogether for several years until I finally found a system that works.
Yes, there is a system that actually works!
The good part about it is this . . . it's not rocket science.
The good part about it is this . . . it's not rocket science.
It's simple common sense stuff that changes everything about the way you . . .
Why does this system work?
Simple reason . . . it's REAL.
Let me be honest with you . . . I am a Leader with Integrity and Commitment for Excellence. I do NOT get involved with things that don't work or are shady or fraudulent.
In fact, that was the very reason I abandoned mlm in the first place several years back because I could not find a system that was simple, straightforward and that actually worked . . . a system I can teach to my team members and which they can teach to their team members, and so on.
Here's the bright side of things.
I have found a system that actually works. And I am prepared to share it with you.
In fact, this is the very same system I used to become the top recruiter in the mlm company I promote . . . a network marketing company that operates in over 50 countries of the world.
Where will you find this simple straightforward strategies I used to become the top recruiter in my mlm company?
All the network marketing success secrets & **Team MLM Worldwide** are revealed in my special Video, CLICK HERE:
Want To Earn $2,000 or more per month? Click HERE
**Team MLM Education**
For serious Internet Marketers, you know how hard it is to keep up with everything! Trying to keep up with all of your to do lists can become a real nightmare. It becomes incredibly time consuming to keep up with your calendars, business partners, ad swap partners, and everything else. Serious Internet Marketers know that there is always something that needs to be done.
One of the biggest time wasters is trying to coordinate an ad swap with another marketer. You can waste hours trying to find someone who will swap with you. Once you are done coordinating everything, you have to track the results of your All of this can be very time consuming, and you want to automate all of this as much as possible.
Fortunately with all of the statistics on the calendar, the entire process is automated for you. Your calendar is setup so that other people can automatically schedule ad swaps with you, and you can setup your ads on other lists. The calendar shows you all of the statistics of the results of your ads. You can see your’s list sizes and clicks. There is no way you can get burned on because everything is out in the open. Every member has their own profile that is synchronized with their Aweber and GetResponse lists to show you the real numbers of people they have on their lists. You can rest easy knowing that someone is telling you the truth when they tell you they have over 13,000 people on their email list.
Because of all the statistics included within the calendar of, it has saved me a ton of time! I can look at the calendar and see instantly if an ad I ran was successful or not. This saves me hours of analyzing different campaigns to see what is working and what doesn’t. Over time, I can spot trends between my different partners to see which partners have the most responsive lists. I can run more ads because I am saving a lot of time, and I’ve seen my income increase by over $2700 per month!
One of the biggest time wasters is trying to coordinate an ad swap with another marketer. You can waste hours trying to find someone who will swap with you. Once you are done coordinating everything, you have to track the results of your All of this can be very time consuming, and you want to automate all of this as much as possible.
Fortunately with all of the statistics on the calendar, the entire process is automated for you. Your calendar is setup so that other people can automatically schedule ad swaps with you, and you can setup your ads on other lists. The calendar shows you all of the statistics of the results of your ads. You can see your’s list sizes and clicks. There is no way you can get burned on because everything is out in the open. Every member has their own profile that is synchronized with their Aweber and GetResponse lists to show you the real numbers of people they have on their lists. You can rest easy knowing that someone is telling you the truth when they tell you they have over 13,000 people on their email list.
Because of all the statistics included within the calendar of, it has saved me a ton of time! I can look at the calendar and see instantly if an ad I ran was successful or not. This saves me hours of analyzing different campaigns to see what is working and what doesn’t. Over time, I can spot trends between my different partners to see which partners have the most responsive lists. I can run more ads because I am saving a lot of time, and I’ve seen my income increase by over $2700 per month!
Booking Calendar
I have been doing ad swaps for years! It is one of the cornerstones of my internet marketing business. I send out emails just about every day, and I am always looking for ways to make my business more efficient.
One of the biggest problems with email marketing is trying to coordinate everything. When it is time to coordinate an ad swap with someone, you can go back and forth for days trying to pick a date that works for you and your ad swap partner. As someone that is always trying to get out my ads to my audience, I was having a hard time keeping up with everyone. I don’t have time to keep up with everything.
Even though things were getting more and more crazy, I still tried to keep up with it all. A friend of mine introduced me to Safe Swap. This was the answer I had been looking for!
I know you probably don’t understand why this would be such a great membership site, but it has saved me hours and hours of time every day! Now when someone wants to launch a product with me, they just go onto my booking calendar and pick a day to send out their ad! I don’t have to communicate with them, and they can see how large my list is before they even choose to work with me.
One of the biggest problems with email marketing is trying to coordinate everything. When it is time to coordinate an ad swap with someone, you can go back and forth for days trying to pick a date that works for you and your ad swap partner. As someone that is always trying to get out my ads to my audience, I was having a hard time keeping up with everyone. I don’t have time to keep up with everything.
Even though things were getting more and more crazy, I still tried to keep up with it all. A friend of mine introduced me to Safe Swap. This was the answer I had been looking for!
I know you probably don’t understand why this would be such a great membership site, but it has saved me hours and hours of time every day! Now when someone wants to launch a product with me, they just go onto my booking calendar and pick a day to send out their ad! I don’t have to communicate with them, and they can see how large my list is before they even choose to work with me.
In my experience in doing email marketing, you can waste a lot of time just trying to coordinate things with people. It is much easier to have other marketers book themselves on my own booking calendar. I can block off specific days where I don’t want to send out any advertising, and they can see my list information before they commit to working with me. They get to see my feedback, and I get to see their feedback, so I know I can trust the people I am working with!
I get three times as much work done now, and that has resulted in increased revenue!
Automation of GetResponse and Aweber
I run a lot of email campaigns. Email campaigns have been one of the keys to my marketing business in the last few years. It is my main source of income in my online business. Every day, I go into my Aweber account and send out emails to my subscribers to generate new customers. It doesn’t matter when I do these orders…I still make money every single day!
One thing that does slow me down is copying and pasting the ads into Aweber and GetResponse. Sometimes these services don’t work all that fast. We all know that time is money, and it can become a major pain to copy and paste your ads all day. I have multiple lists that promote the same products, so I have the same emails going out to different lists on a regular basis. I have all of these emails saved in a Microsoft Word document, but it takes a lot of time to move these ads around all of the time.
Trying to schedule the different ads for the different email campaigns takes a lot of time too. You can spend all day just copying and pasting your emails from a word document into your email campaigns. I know I have lost sales because it takes forever to copy and paste all these email ads.
Fortunately, I came across, and this is saving me a ton of time! With this new system, I only have to save my ad one time in the membership site. Then I can assign the ad to run in different email campaigns on a regular basis. With all of the different email campaigns I have, this is saving me a ton of time! I’ve seen my income grow by 47% in the last two months because I have more time to get more campaigns sent out throughout the week. In addition, since I am in a network with other marketers, I can send out my ads to their lists too. has been a great investment for me because of the time I save. For serious email marketers, this investment in your business is a no-brainer!
How Much Time You Save with Safe-Swaps
My entire Internet marketing strategy is to send out emails on a weekly basis. I know I probably send out at least 35 emails a day. I own a portfolio of 85 different websites I am trying to manage on a weekly basis. Of those sites, 66 of those sites have email lists. As you can tell, I know a thing or two about email marketing!
As I have been growing the business, my time is growing shorter and shorter. I can’t seem to find enough time to schedule all of my different emails to go out to my lists. It was becoming a huge hassle trying to find time to schedule all of these different product launches. I was still making money, but I knew I was leaving a lot of money on the table by manually scheduling all of these product launches at different times.
Trying to coordinate an ad swap with someone else was also very time consuming. You have to sit there and go back and forth through email with other people to figure out the best time to mail an ad.
Fortunately now that I have tried, I am saving a lot of time! When I go into my account now, I just look for other marketers who have an opening to run an ad for a specific date. I don’t have to spend days in communications with one marketer to figure out a date to run an ad. I just pick the date on my friend’s calendar and book the ad for that date! It only takes a few seconds to get everything setup. With this system, I can move onto other tasks or send out a lot more ads every day! I have doubled my income in just a few months from all of the time I saved!
Scams and Protection of Safe-Swaps
I’ve been in the Internet Marketing industry for a few years now. I knew that list building was important. My problem is that I could never find anyone that was promoting the same niches that I could trust. Everyone claims to be making thousands of dollars per month online, but most people are just lying through their teeth.
I know you have seen all of the wild claims out there. I got scammed just a few months ago. I decided to do an ad swap with one of the other guys in my niche. I had a list of over 4,000 people, and I wanted to share my list with a fellow marketer. I found a guy in my niche that had a list of over 214,500 people! We went through a few negotiations, and he agreed to promote my new dating website if I agreed to promote his dating website and pay him $773. He even showed me a screenshot of his Aweber account, so I thought I could trust this guy. I was so excited! I thought I was going to make a fortune!
I went ahead and sent out my email for his website. He picked up several new members. He sent out my website to his list. I only got three new members! I knew something was wrong, so I emailed the guy. Of course, he was long gone with my money, and I was out of $773!
This was a major loss to my business. I was so ticked off! At that point, I pretty much decided that I couldn’t trust anyone! I gave up on the ad swaps for a few months until my IM friend told me about Safe-Swap.
It looked promising…so I decided to try it for a month. You talk about great…this is the safest membership site I’ve ever seen. Everyone has membership profiles, so I know people aren’t telling me a bunch of BS when they say they have a huge list! I can tell if someone gets negative feedback, and I have already made several new connections for my niches. It is easy to use, and I feel protected now! I don’t know what I would do without!
I know you have seen all of the wild claims out there. I got scammed just a few months ago. I decided to do an ad swap with one of the other guys in my niche. I had a list of over 4,000 people, and I wanted to share my list with a fellow marketer. I found a guy in my niche that had a list of over 214,500 people! We went through a few negotiations, and he agreed to promote my new dating website if I agreed to promote his dating website and pay him $773. He even showed me a screenshot of his Aweber account, so I thought I could trust this guy. I was so excited! I thought I was going to make a fortune!
I went ahead and sent out my email for his website. He picked up several new members. He sent out my website to his list. I only got three new members! I knew something was wrong, so I emailed the guy. Of course, he was long gone with my money, and I was out of $773!
This was a major loss to my business. I was so ticked off! At that point, I pretty much decided that I couldn’t trust anyone! I gave up on the ad swaps for a few months until my IM friend told me about Safe-Swap.
It looked promising…so I decided to try it for a month. You talk about great…this is the safest membership site I’ve ever seen. Everyone has membership profiles, so I know people aren’t telling me a bunch of BS when they say they have a huge list! I can tell if someone gets negative feedback, and I have already made several new connections for my niches. It is easy to use, and I feel protected now! I don’t know what I would do without!
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