**Team Thierry** Increase Recruiting With A Great Autoresponder

          TIPS & Advice Increase Recruiting With A Great                                                      Autoresponder

  If you have been on this planet for a few years, you probably have noticed that companies expose you to repetitious advertising. Decades of marketing have proven that most purchase decisions are made after the buyer is exposed to the product information about 5-7 times.
That’s why the biggest companies with the most recognized brand names, constantly expose their prospect base to continuous advertising. Any Sales or Marketing is built on the foundation of repetition.

So once a potential prospect comes and visits your site, you need to capture their name and contact data. You can do this through a good Splash/Squeeze page. Your potential customer has now been exposed to some information about your product/opportunity.

 Most likely few prospects will make a decision after just one exposure. So to convert as many prospects into customers/distributors you need to expose them to additional information over a period of time. This will give the prospect an opportunity to think more about the offer, and also to gain more trust in you and your company.

The best way to do this, is to set up an Autoresponder, **Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**  which will keep presenting information to your prospect, without the need for you to take the time.

The way it works, is you set up a minimum of 5-7 of e-mails that you want to go to the prospect over several days. In each of these e-mails you have a chance to share different information, just like you would if you followed up with the prospect in person.

 You need to sign on with a good Autoresponder service, ( this one is by far the easiest to use, and you can try it out **Team Thierry MLM Worldwide** 

Set up your e-mails with them, and then as your leads come in, feed them into the system, and your follow up e-mails will be sent out at specified intervals by the Autoresponder. We call this dripping on your prospect.

One of the biggest systems is AWEBER, however as good as they are, with many features, they have some drawbacks to any MLM business in which you capture leads, and then went to feed them into the system as they come in. Since I have and use both, I strongly suggest using the contact Autoresponder with **Team Thierry MLM Worldwide**
Follow the above tips, and you will at least have a basic start to your marketing program. To find out what you should do next, look at the Marketing Articles, and Action Tips, available on my you-tube videos:

You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is here for you and we take you by the hand step by step. no losing Friends and Family Only Wealth & Money.
For additional information, please see other articles on this subject, and also check out the resources available on my video: CLICK HERE:http://xplocial.com/interview.php?id=MrBusiness4u

You are in business to make money and not to get emotionally attached to any company or a particular product or service. Your opportunity should be recession proof, built online, be global, and have the largest possible prospect base. That’s why my primary opportunity is ready waiting for you to tell yourself that you are Smart and Have made a Great decision for Your Future and Your next Generations to come.

If I can be of any additional help, please e-mail me…

Wishing you absolute success

**Team Thierry MLM Worldwide** 

"Helping Others Achieve Success, Wealth & Abundance For Next Generations"


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